Change Log
Q2 2024
Addition of sub competitions for Admins to track paid members (currently Top 10 and Eclectic) and the ability to add users into these sub competitions.
Front side filtering of users in the sub competitions above.
Eclectic quarters now only load if there is data available for that quarter.
Q1 2024
Lots of minor tweaks to CSS and UI to make for a better mobile experience.
Q3 2003
Editing Scores
Users can now edit their own scores up to 15 minutes after they have been added. This is available by the Competitions page. Once the score is being edited
it needs to then be saved within 5 minutes.
The Eclectic is now split into 4 Quarters (Jan-Mar, Apr-Jun, Jul-Sep, Oct-Dec), Whole Year and Reverse Eclectic (for some fun).